In my previous book, REVOLUTION IN HORSEMANSHIP, which I co-authored with Rick Lamb, I targeted the horse person who was unfamiliar with Natural Horsemanship, those who were familiar with it but disinterested, and those who were opposed to it. In this latest book I am targeting the convert - the believer in Natural Horsemanship, the student, and the clinician who teaches it. I want them to know exactly why and how it works. Understanding its efficacy will reinforce and refine the users' methodology. The horse is a highly intelligent species capable of exceptional communication with the human being, but only if the human has learned HOW to communicate. This book begins explaining why Natural Horsemanship works, including some concepts never before published. Then we examine different schools of thought within the horse world, and finally the significance of horses in the 21st century. Scroll down for table of contents and reviews
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Sharon J. Spier, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM
Professor, School of Veterinary Medicine
University of California, Davis