Dearest friends, visitors, and colleagues, we wanted to let you know that on November 16, 2024, Dr. Miller passed away peacefully at his home at the age of 97, surrounded by his family and holding onto the reins of his favorite mule. Horses were just one of his passions; he loved and lived life to the very fullest, up until the end, and he will be greatly missed. He continued to lecture and write well into his 90s. Thank you for your many years of support and friendship. To ensure his legacy continues, we've created two scholarships in his honor:

Please consider donating to the Dr. Robert M Miller, DVM Academic Memorial Scholarship for the Natural Horsemanship program at University of Montana Western or a gift in his memory for a veterinary student specializing in Equine Science can be made to CSU Foundation, PO Box 1870, Fort Collins, CO 80522. A formal scholarship at CSU will be established in the near future.

- With love, Debby, Mark, and Laurel.

Robert M. Miller DVM

Dr. Miller was a world renowned speaker and author on horse behavior and relationship-based horsemanship, and the father of the revolutionary foal training technique known as "imprint training".

Western Horseman Award

Dr. Miller on Blunt Discussions Podcast

"Always an Innovator"

Over the past 30 years, he has become a mentor to natural horsemanship clinicians around the world. His ability to explain how and why the clinicians training techniques are so effective has made him a driving force in the movement towards better, more humane, AND more effective training of horses.

About Dr. Miller

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  • Natural Horsemanship Explained
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  • Equine Behavior Explained - "Understanding The Ancient Secrets of the Horse's Mind"
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  • The Revolution in Horsemanship
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  • CONTROL OF THE HORSE - The Art of Restraint in Horsemanship
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  • Handling Equine Patients - A Handbook for Veterinary Students & Veterinary Technicians
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  • UNDERSTANDING HORSES - And Using That Knowledge To Solve Common Behavior Problems
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  • EARLY LEARNING - The Complete Training of the Newborn Foal During Its Imprinting & Critical Learning Periods on Video DVD
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"I bought the book The Revolution in Horsemanship and after reading was convinced that it was a must read for all horse people. Because of that book I then bought Natural Horsemanship Explained which I have read twice and am currently on my third read. I have recommended these books to pretty much every person who I help with their horsemanship. My library is overflowing and I think it is close to the best."

Will A. Clinical Physician and avid horseman

"Your words speak so clearly to me. I like simple, scientific, fact-based information. I do not like hype and mystery. Each day I go to the barn with your information in mind and a few notes. The results are measurable."

Elise Backinger, Colorado

With his keen sense of observation, decades of experience riding and working with horses in his veterinary practice, his wonderful sense of humor, and his obsession with understanding how horses behave, Dr. Miller’s book will be a useful addition to the library of anyone who is a horse lover, professional or student, working to improve their skills at reading behavior, communicating, riding or simply enjoying horses.

Sharon J. Spier, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM Professor, School of Veterinary Medicine University of California, Davis